This site has overall been designed to give you as much help and assistance in helping you find the best route to helping you find out more about Sleepora and give useful tips on how to get to sleep. The key areas that people have asked us question about are below.

What Is Sleepora?


Format Poll

Contact Us

The Sleepora FAQs answer all of the key questions that people (during the beta testing period) were asking us.  By reading the FAQs you’ll get an even better idea of how the Sleepora app program can help you get to sleep.

If the format that you’d prefer to receive Sleepora in is not already available then fill in the Format Poll. We invite your feedback as we are looking to make Sleepora available to as many people as possible. This is our aim as when people have a lack of sleep and say to themselves ‘how can I sleep better’ they are not stopped from getting help with their sleep problems because they don’t have the ‘right’ phone, equipment or computer.

If after reading the site, viewing our numerous videos, looking at our FAQs and downloading our free introductory ebook if you still have any questions there is the option of contacting us (in the link above).

We especially welcome communication from those that have bought Sleepora to let us know of how you have progressed in helping you with your sleep problems.